i was closer to my father's roommate's kids than some of my own cousins. when the irish were on tv vs. sc or any other game, we trekked or hosted these other families. we would vacation at times in the summer and in the fall and winter together we ...... our hc was father bergervin csc was a franco american & a nd grad we were playing a jesuit college .like bc before the game he talked a lot about rockne...gipper, etc. i had no idea what he was talking about & told him. ...
Kasteel d' Aertrijcke, in neogotische stijl, heeft te midden van een erg mooi kasteeldomein een viersterren- hotel, een gastronomisch restaurant en een leuke bistro. Zeeweg 42, 8820 Torhout, 0477-35 22 45 en 056-701853, www.kas- teeldaertrycke. ...... Natuurgebied Bergerven Waar ooit een grindwinningsgebied was naast de Zuid-Willems- vaart strekt zich nu het natuurgebied Bergerven uit. Uiteenlopende soorten watervogels voelen zich thuis op en naast de drie grote vijvers. ...
We would vacation at times in the summer and in the fall and winter together we went to the campus. In the fall for a game, in the winter, we had our "hockey-basketball" weekend. Some of my older cousins were at ND, we were the "little ...